Own a Hilux in the United States

Is it Legal to Own a Hilux in the United States?

The Toyota Hilux is a popular pickup truck known for its durability and off-road capabilities. However, potential buyers in the United States often wonder about the legality of owning this vehicle. The primary reason for this concern stems from the fact that the Hilux is not officially sold in the U.S. market. Instead, it is primarily available in other countries, such as Australia and various regions in Europe and Asia.

To legally own a Hilux in the U.S., individuals typically have two options: importing a used model or purchasing one through specialized dealerships that handle gray market vehicles. Importing a vehicle requires compliance with regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT). Vehicles must meet specific safety and emissions standards to be registered for road use in the U.S.

In summary, it is legal to own a Hilux in the United States, provided that proper importation procedures are followed and compliance with federal regulations is ensured.

Can a Toyota HiLux be registered in the US?

Yes, you can legally own a Toyota Hilux in the USA, but there are specific conditions and regulations you must follow, especially regarding the importation of vehicles that are not originally manufactured for the U.S. market.

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